
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
04-11-2015, 01:30 AM

He never wanted Anais to feel she had to run and hide from the world, but even he didn't fully trust the world with his Anais. It was a strange and complex thing to want to see her open up, come to life as she was now, to enjoy new experiences and live a little, but also for her to be safe perhaps doing the reckless things in life side by side was the right medium, to live and be alive. As it was he felt utterly alive in that moment. Despite the lull of the peaceful moment, of the sound of the waves crashing rhythmically in the distance, and the occasional howl of the wind and the otherwise silent night, he felt utterly awake.

He didn't know how Anais felt, but he would make certain that she was comfortable and safe, and able to slip into sleep any time she wished to. He would step back after fixing up her spot for the night, giving her plenty of room to either move into it or hover near by – whatever she wished, from there he could work out the best place for him to sit as they continued to talk. He intended to stay awake until she was ready to sleep, and then he would likely continue to stay awake, to guard her sleep. He didn't doubt her safety here, in his and Voltage's pack lands, with his family in surrounding caves, no, he would guard her from sleeping in the unknown, he would chase away her nightmares, and simply be there for her, for this girl he had come to realize he had loved, as she slept in his presence for the first time in their history together – that would not be a moment he would miss.

He would feel the eyes of the brown she-wolf as she thought over the question he had just asked. He could almost feel the confusion in her stare and was careful to hide his amused smile. Her first response would be simple, the no falling from her lips. She would elaborate a little further, admitting that it had simply never crossed her mind. Her next words would bring him amusement, and a crooked smile would grace his lips. “I suppose he does...” he admitted, if a little dryly, trailing off as he caught the worried expression, and mentally kicked himself as he realized he had brought up a topic that had led to Lebrah, who was often the reason she couldn't stray from her territory for long. “He'll be perfectly fine. Your family has been in that territory for a while now, the smell of a group of wolves would keep others out, and i'm sure your healer sister or brothers would be around if he needed?” he second was more of a question then a reassurance, through he had no real worries for the boy, Glacier was sure he would be fine.
