
Know that I'm yours



5 Years
04-11-2015, 01:13 PM
Novella probably would have been content with simply continuing to walk like this until sleep eventually beckoned them to return to their den. Along the shore, a lap back up the rest of the beach until the path led them back towards the Falls though Frith it seemed had other plans and their walk would abruptly end as he moved from her side, a question now falling from his lips.

It was certainly a surprise, not a question that she had expected to hear. Her family had done rather well at keeping these intentions hidden from her she had no idea how long this trip had been in the works that Aslan and Varda's minds had been pondering the idea from the moment it had first been mentioned back in the Spring. Truth be told what with her pregnancy and then the following postnatal depression she hadn't considered visiting Glaciem and Odette though it was something she certainly would have encouraged them to do. She had quite liked the woman, the early stages of friendship blossoming and she had only hoped that their packs too would get along just as easily.

"I think it's a good idea." Novella responded, she wouldn't have minded the trip herself to be honest though certainly one of them had to stay and after all he had done this Summer it made sense for him to be the one to take the break from the standard alpha duties to visit their allies. "I'm assuming we haven't heard from her at all over the Summer?" Not completely sure if she was right in that assumption it came out as more of a question than anything else.