
Frame Thy Fearful Symmetry

Skælingr I


7 Years
Extra large
04-11-2015, 05:34 PM

Skælingr waited like a statue, focused an intent as we waited for a potential opponent.  The tiger did not have to wait long before a young, pale femme of fair size answered his call.  She was an odd one, brave and ravenous but even she paused to take in his form in surprise.  Skæ grinned back and dipped his head and chuffed in greeting until she recovered herself enough to speak.  "I am a tiger.  My name is Skælingr, what of yourself?"  Jade eyes watched as she prepped herself for battle.  Skælingr did the same.

Fur and hackles stood on end as the beasts striped head and tail moved to align with his spine.  His eyes narrowed, ears pinning tight to his head as he tucked his chin just slightly.  Massive shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back.  Skælingr widened his stance, evenly spreading his weight, limbs coiling to lower his center of gravity.  Toes spread, claws unsheathed in preparation for attack.  His back rounded slightly as he prepared to spring.

He twitched just slightly as her eyes roved his form in something a bit more than awe… what in the world.  What an odd creature.  The tier smirked.

"I can't quite make that promise, you best be quick on your feet."

As the words fell from his lips Skælingr would launch himself forward as he attempted to close the distance between himself and the pale youth.  The tiger attempted to approach the wolf directly head on, aiming to lift his upper body and re-distribute his weight in his hind legs as he attempted to throw the lower center of his chest into the exact center of the underside of the wolf's neck, halfway between the jaw and the sternum, hoping to slam his massive weight into the girl with enough force to knock the breath from her and cause heavy bruising.  At the same time as he attempted to throw his chest into the youth he would also attempt to raise both forelimbs to try and wrap them around the wolf in attempt to pull her right into his chest slam.  He sought for his left foreleg to wrap around the right side of the base of Mercy's neck so that he could sink his left fore-claws in between the girls shoulder blades, seeking to get a grip on the wolf.  His right forepaw, with claws fully unsheathed, would seek to slice into the flesh above the spine, about five inches behind the shoulder blades in an attempted swipe to drag his claws all the way down the girls left side and back to the ground.

Simultaneously, Skælingr's neck would shift to his own right, head twisting in to his own left as he attempted to bite the wolf's upper left-sided neck, just behind the jawline.  Upper fangs seeking a grip over the girls left ear, lower fangs seeking to pierce the flesh at the corner of the girls left-sided jaw.  Skælinger sought a vice-like grip from which he could quickly subdue his opponent.  The girl might be young but Skælingr did not wish to underestimate an opponent and in practicing for the greater skilled it was best to fight fully.  Pulling punches would not help either of them improve.

Skælingr vs Mercy for SPAR
Rd. 1/?