
Hero to Zero



6 Years
04-12-2015, 03:42 AM
Voltage had been laying in his and Serefina's soundproofed den, trying to catch up on his sleep that was still so scattered. It wasn't often that Volty slept through the night, and it seemed it was only when he had a warm body to cuddle up too, namely Gaia, Serefina or his big brother. He knew Glacier was busy elsewhere, either doing his big body guard protector thing with the pack or out spending time with his distant love, otherwise he might have asked him for a few hours to lay with him so Voltage could get some decent sleep. But it seemed that that wouldn't happen at the moment, or for a while for that matter. His less than comfortable sleep was interupted by his brother's urgent call, that rang and vibrated through him like the crash of the ocean's wave. Instantly Voltage was awake, head up and eyes wide. In the next instant he was off, like the strike of lightning. He sped through the land, through the tunnel and towards his brother's call.

The scent of blood, predator and his brother was strong in his nose, and stormy eyes were wide with worry. He didn't take the time to decide who's blood it was, all he knew was that all three went together. Panic shot through him, like sheer white hot fire as he bolted through the undergrowth, chasing the scent. It didn't take him long to reach his brother, and the moment he saw him he cried out.  "Glace!" He shouted, watching as his brother fell flat within seconds, the sickening sound of it all echoing in his ears. The whole thing caused Voltage to fumble, but in a moment he was at his brother's side, nudging his neck in hopes that he hadn't lost conciousness yet.  "Oh, big brother..." He whispered, his panic, is sheer fear coursing through his rough tones as he looked him over. In an instant he threw his head back, howling for his siblings, especially Terrae. He would need help with the wounds, need help getting Glacier back where it was safe. There was no way Voltage would be able to move the behmouth of his brother, especially not without causing more harm. With a pitched whimper he nuzzled into the thick fur of Glacier, licking and kissing along his crown, ears, face.  "You're alright, big brother...You'll be alright." He whispered, his voice pitched as mist covered his eyes before he shook his head. He had to help Glacier, in some way...he had to get him moved back to the dens....somehow.  "Terrae!! Serefina!!" He shouted over the distance, howling again for them, a sound of fear, of panic, and an order. He needed them here, he needed their help...

"Burn Baby Burn"