
Like a Sandstorm


04-12-2015, 09:28 PM

Hercules smirked and glanced toward his father at the woman's mention of their resemblance. They lacked any similar markings, but color wise he could see what she meant. He certainly resembled Helios more than his siblings anyway. His eyes went back to their visitor when she spoke to explain her reason for being here. Ah, so she did look to join. He was glad to hear that. He glanced toward his father with a nod of agreement at his comment about extra muscle being a good thing. He looked to her again. So she was a fighter then. He was certainly not in a position to turn away potential members, especially if they were any good at a particular trade.

"I'm inclined to agree. More muscle, as you put it, is never a bad thing. You should keep in mind that I expect a lot out of my members. We will hold regular training sessions to make sure your skills stay sharp and if it's a warrior you want to be then you'll be working closely with my brother, Thanatos. He is our lead warrior. We are all like a family here. I expect you to treat all of our members as such." He smiled a little and continued, "If all of that sounds alright with you than I'd be happy to offer you a home here, miss..." He paused so she could fill in her name. His second new member since he became alpha. Slowly but surely they were growing, one member at a time.

"Talk" "You" Think