
Said I'd come home monday[pip/cy]



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-13-2015, 11:37 AM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2015, 11:40 AM by Epiphron.)
Epiphron had little to no idea what to expect from her daughter. As she began to recover from the trauma she had endured, she seemed to be more apt at surprising her.. first, with her announcement that she and Cypress were mates, and now whatever she might tell her now. Curious, she regarded her, though her gaze was warm despite the worry that brimmed in her sapphire orbs.

Arian, though seemingly hesitant, began to speak up, stating that a pack had been disbanded. The mention of Isardis made her fur bristle, though she knew he was likely unrelated to this pack, though she'd listen calmly. Her daughter wanted to take the pack as her own. "I see," she'd muse aloud, humming softly to herself as she gazed from Arian to Cypress. "I'll be honest with you: I don't love the idea," she started, carefully, though her voice didn't betray how truly worried she felt at the idea. "But I will not stop you. I will be more comfortable if Cypress goes with you," she stated firmly. He seemed as honorable as anyone else she might think would go with Arian, and she watched her carefully as she considered it. "You are both free from Fiori, but you can always consider this pack your home if you wish to return," she'd say finally, a bit sadly, though she would not keep her daughter her -- she had never kept her children from going off on their own, even when they'd been too young and inexperienced. "But I expect you will visit me soon and let me know how things are going?" Her expression shifted slightly, a smile taking over as she leaned to nudge her gently.