
High ho! High ho! That's the way we go!



9 Years
06-09-2013, 09:13 PM
Ravine's excitement over his Uncle Cyril's ability to fly only seemed to grow as the golden eagle told him what he was and of the flying wolves only few get to see. By the time the boy's mother brought out the rabbit, he couldn't keep his little body still. His white tipped tail wagging a mile a minute. "You think ill get to meet a flying woof some day? That would be the coolest."

He bounced around in the snow while he waited for some one to answer his question. Clumsily, in all of his running around, the black and white fur ball tripped over the rabbit their mother had brought them. A small squeak escaped him when he saw the red from the rabbit had stained the white fur on his front paws. At first he didn't know what it was...all he knew was it had a strange smell.

He sat staring at his paws for a moment before sniffing at the rabbit. The red stuff smelled like the red stuff on the rabbit. When he finished investigating it he pawed at it playfully like it would get up and play with him, when it didn't he nipped at it hoping that would get it to play. The first two times his teeth hadn't come in contact with it but the third time he filled his tiny mouth with its side.

Who would have guest it would have tasted like that. The small boy wasn't sure how to describe the flavor, but it was good. He put his paws on both sides of his tiny maw and pulled. Being small with only his milk teeth yet the rabbit was a bit tough to pull apart. When the meet finally gave way ravine ended up sitting on his but as he gnawed at the piece of flesh in his mouth. It took him a while to chew it, but it was worth it. "That tasted good. Ryker, gada try dis! he exclaimed to his siblings