
The Past Snows

Taska Takira

06-09-2013, 09:19 PM
Taska Takira had been known to wonder, even before her mother had died, it was the one thing that she did not inherent from Taske, maybe this was the trait she got from her missing father... Or maybe it was just something Kira picked up because she was left alone more often then not, even when her mother was alive. Taska understood why, being a single mother was hard, specially with young pups, you had to protect them and feed them all at the same time, a job for a pack, but yet Taske was alone. Which was odd when most of the stories that she told where about one pack or the other, but yet... She was so alone. So Kira had learned to sneak away whenever her mother was away hunting for them, and found herself in more trouble then you would think possible for a young pup. Hell her sneaking away was how Kira had gotten her scares, ones that oddly matched her mothers, like it was destiny that she get them in the exact way and spot. But it was not her father that had given the three scares on her face, but a fox, one that thought that the young wobbly pup was a easy meal, but found out the hard way that in fact the pup had a warrior for a mother. At the time Kira was existed to have the tree red lines on her face, it made her mother like her mother, it felt like she closer to the ideal that her mother set, and Kira lived for that feeling, she loved her mother more then anything and she still does. But the young girl had learned from the experience, she had figured out that being proud of a miss step, no matter how close it made her feel to her lost parent, was not a wise thing, that instead of pride she should learn from the mistake and she had, no she watches and listens to her surroundings, she may not be a warrior like her dead mother but she was going to be as smart as she was.

So with her wondering nature and her wisdom in paw she set off into the world, even meet a new companion that Kira liked very much, but had to leave behind in the mask shift den, for the sun was high in the sky and would burn the poor dame. Now Kira was just restless, life had been to simple, and that was not something that could last, like her mother before her, Kira expected her life to be full of adventure, love, loss, and strength. But this down period was slowly making her nerves, for the longer that she waited for something to happen the bigger the event was going to be, she could feel it... She just hoped whatever happened it would not come at the coast of a life, like the last big event in her life had with her mother's.