
Howdy, Neighbor



6 Years
04-13-2015, 04:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2015, 04:43 PM by Voltage.)
"Nor is he one." Voltage's deep tones echoed as he approached, catching the very last bit of Rune's words. He missed Serefina's teasing flirting, but from the look on her face and the one Rune sported, he was sure that something had happened. Serefina was as unpredictable as she was firey, and he knew that her first impressions were always fun. With a gentle smile and a very polite dip of his skull he reguarded the male that stood on the other side of the joining border. Voltage was tired, exhausted, and it showed. He barely slept a wink since Glacier fell, too busy helping Terrae find herbs or to ensure that the puma hadn't returned. He barely slept and when he did it wasn't peaceful, too busy worrying to death over his brother. With a gentle sigh he'd lift his head to look up at Rune. "He was protecting our lands from an angry puma, and happened to accidentally plant his foot in a rabbit hole in his haste. He wasn't clumsy, just stupidly brave." He would grin then, looking towards his sister.

"I want to extend my apology for whatever she said." He teased with a laugh, giving her a smirk. "Her brand of humor is an...acquired taste." He would give her a playful swat with his paw before he became all business again, turning his attention fully on his neighbor. "Also, I apologize that I haven't gone to introduce myself to you and yours. My name is Voltage Elementas, the "Big Oaf" is my brother and littermate. Welcome to Donostrea, our home." He said with a prideful smile, inclining his head as he welcomed him in. "Would you like a tour? I'm sure Serefina would love to go get us some fish, you an apology." He said with a grin, looking in her direction. Fish meant water, and water was her krytonite. It was a tease, a joke, and he was sure she would lash out at him for it. But he merely smiled back up at his company, his tired eyes shining. "Let's get a little more comfy, talking over a scent line is so...unfriendly, don't you think?" With a tilt of his head he'd move to turn, hoping Rune and Serefina would come with him.
