
dogs of war (IMPERIUM)


04-14-2015, 07:46 AM (This post was last modified: 04-14-2015, 09:04 AM by Tealah.)

Hati's call went unheeded as the Thyre pups tangled in their own fight training, but Daegmar's barked orders drew an instant response from them as they all scrambled to obey. Her words drew a contemptuous (and purely mental) snort from the boy. Why should they watch fight training? They were already learning from the best warriors in the pack so what was the point in watching a bunch of inferiors sparring? Though maybe Mother wanted them to watch so they could see what was being done wrong. Whatever her reasons, Sabre wouldn't disobey or even think of expressing any distaste for her orders. Trotting along behind his mother in precise formation with his sisters they finally came to the group and split of, Mother going to sit by Hati and Raba frisking over to the Armada pups. Sabre joined her, sitting stiffly by Raba's side and seeking to ignore the Armadas. They weren't bad really, and they'd been trained by Mother so despite their inferior blood they were quite good in a fight... but they still weren't Thyres.