



06-09-2013, 11:05 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

To her great surprise, when his blue eyes met hers and he seemed ready to answer her, it was not a negative statement that fell from his lips but a positive one. Merci blinked, taking a moment to register that he had actually agreed to her suggestion of hiding out from the storm within the safe confines of her pack's territory. He really just... Blinking again, she broke through her shock to smile brightly, her tail wagging eagerly behind her as she nodded her head once and then tucked it carefully downward, taking her first steps toward home.

Despite having to trudge through the snow, despite having the wind kick it up and blow it in her face, the creamy white wolf was actually delighted with the circumstances. Toprak had agreed to join her back at her home and they were currently on their way there now. It was a small victory for her, as she secretly wished all of her friends to live in the same place, and she was growing increasingly eager to show him around the place that she lived.

The white wolf at her side spoke up, voicing a concern for the weather and their speed. Should they run? So long as they stayed together she supposed it wouldn't make much of a difference. Perhaps the sooner they got to her pack's land the better. "You won't lose sight of me?" she asked, pausing to glance at him questioningly. If he thought they could manage the speed, she saw no problem with it; she just worried about the sudden windstorm separating them along the way.

OOC: Should I start a new thread for them within Glaciem territory when we reach a stopping point? o:

[Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: nzhxu8.jpg][Image: spx4z8.jpg]