
Welcome to the Hotel California :]

Pontifex I


06-09-2013, 11:57 PM

He was surprised how easily the weather could change, especially during the winter. It seemed mother nature was a lot more volatile during the cold season than any other season of the year. When the two had begun to talk it had been just like any other winter night, chilling as the temperatures dropped. It wasn't until they had decided to seek shelter that the weather decided to turn on its head and throw a storm at them. Luckily the pair had been quick enough to find shelter into the caves of the mountain side before the store could catch them unsheltered.

The wind was howling its protest, screaming like a banshee. Audits lowered against his head, the sound of the wind completely displeasing to his ears. He wasn't particularly fond of storms, but they didn't bother him much. His golden gaze flickered to his companion Eria as her light ocean blue eyes met his, her voice confirming what was going on outside. He nodded in agreement, glad too that they had avoided the storm. She flashed a smile at him and he found himself smiling back, albeit a small one, but a smile all the same. It appeared the storm had put her in a playful mood as she called to him for them to go spalunking. He wasn't sure what that was exactly, but he didn't exactly have anything better to do at the moment. With a nod, Pontifex walked after Eria, easily matching his pace to hers as they continued deeper into the caves, Eria expressing her want to discovering something interesting. Who knows, we just might.

OOC; bleh, mines not much better >.<

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