

Sixx I


06-09-2013, 11:57 PM
Sixx stopped short on the border of glaciem teriory. He was NOT going back in there without Sacrement by his side. Sacrement's massive claws could shred any wolf to pieces without any effort at all! Huge paws the size of dinnerplates could crush bone with one slap to the back. Her oversized teeth hung out her lower jaws and gat most wolves nightmares. But she's be running way late to the party. It takes a while for something so big to travel from the southern most point to up north.

Sixx didn't want to stir up much trouble. Mostly just talk to his brother and try to convince him to come back before Sacrement arived to take him back by force. He really didn't want to kill his brother, but he would if he must... Or raise the stakes... But that'd be later. ?He snorted as he waited. He knew his brother'd walk by here. It was Awaken's personaly get away. A large weeping-willow's branches arched over with frost hanging off them. The white ?snow dusted the tree and made it a cave of branches.?

Just as he predicted his brother had strolled by, with a little girl... He reconized the scent... The girl he chased... Oh this would be fun. He watched silently in the snow as he escorted her under the white branches. The tree was half on half off the glaciem teritory so he could get under it and still not be tresspassing. He forced his was through the branches, his wickedest grin ?plastered on his face. " Prince nexium. I'm back. Don't fear me yet, im not here to kill anyone today. Although her mother tasted amazing!" He teased at the young girl, who was hiding behind Awaken's flank.?

?? ? "Oh brother. How i poty you. Your already dead and you don't even know it. Sacrement's on her way... It will take her a while to get here and you have untill then to make your Disicision, but if you don't come willingly, she will slaughter everyone... Sacrement isn't a wolf at all. I wont tell you what she is but she's not anything anyone around here has ever seen before. She's a literal war machiene and the reason why the Nex Sacrementum pack was never invaded."?