



5 Years
04-16-2015, 12:34 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

After she had unloaded her issue on Ebony's young king, Callisto felt kind of bad for him. Surely dealing with these sorts of things were not what one expected when they took on the role of leader in a pack, and she certainly would not have imagined that she would be the one involved in such a case. Everyone seemed to be outside of their comfort zone now, treading into unfamiliar territory, and the uncertain healer almost wished that she had kept her mouth shut and continued ignoring her problems instead of bringing them to light like this. What was she really expecting for it anyway?

Her brow had settled into a deep frown and she tried not to fidget noticeably in her indecisiveness as Kassander attempted to answer her issue. He had his points, she recognized that, and she was rather glad that he had decided to say what he did. She was their only healer - officially - and Ebony was still her home. She had as much right to be there as Maximous did. She only wished she had more right to keep him away so she was not reminded of how he felt and what he possibly expected from her.

A quiet breath was released through her nose as she felt herself settle a bit more with this revelation, becoming more ready to step back up in her role within the pack and to actually start doing things around the territory again. Only the unanticipated question of her own feelings caused her to react strongly. Her frown deepened and her nose seemed to wrinkle all at once, accompanied by a quick and irritated, "No." She was not even sure if she could love. "He was fine as a teacher before, but now it's just weird."

She could easily have gone on, ranting further about how absurd the whole situation was, but from the corner of her eye she spotted the little black feline beginning to walk casually over and, unsure what the cat might want to contribute, she added hastily, "I want to rebuild my plant stores first before I do anything else. But I'm guessing you'd probably want a lesson done for the pack at some point?" There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm in her voice as socializing was not her strongest or most favored aspect of pack life, but Callisto was certain as the pack's only healer the role was going to fall on her shoulders eventually. The sooner she came to terms with it, the better she could prepare herself for that moment.