
The Bird And The Worm

Saga I


3 Years
04-16-2015, 06:52 AM

No matter how reclusive Saga Destruction was, she knew one thing -- she had a duty to Secretua, and she intended to contribute as much as necessary.. though probably not any more. It was only because of Eirik that she had even stayed. Eirik, and her unwillingness to return to her own family. The mere thought of her mother's abandonment, and of her littermates that hadn't even tried to find her, and of Descant's death, made her stomach sink. Somewhat begrudgingly she would pull herself from the darkness of her hidden den, knowing the call meant a hunt. She was unused to working with others, often content to hunting the smallest game by herself, but she knew this was required of her and so she would not ignore the call.

With ease, the tiny girl would hurry forward. Only when she approached the group did she realize she had not reacted as quickly as some. Half a dozen wolves had already arrived before her. Light green gaze danced about the group, quickly settling on Eirik. As the most familiar wolf here, she was often drawn to him, and today would be no different. Nearly silent, her paws carried her to his side, though she kept a respectful distance from him as she settled to her hindquarters and gazed upon the woman that had called them. Only the faintest of smiles was offered before it disappeared on her stoic features, her eyes bright as she greeting him silently.