
Paintings of the Past



9 Years
06-10-2013, 03:04 AM

"What's intewestin Miss?"

Inquisitive emerald eyes stared up at the enormous creature. Charcoal colored nose wrinkled as he smelled her. She smelled much different than the polar bears and she certainly didn't smell like a pack wolf, much less any other wolf for that matter. He hadn't had the chance to explore much, so whatever she was it was unknown to him.Such blatant disregard to the unknown was obvious in such a young creature. He wasn't supposed to be out here, much less daring to come face to face with a grown grizzly. He didn't know the dangers he'd be getting himself into if this was any other than this particular bear.

He'd managed to escape his mother's and father's watchful gaze, make it all the way past Glaciem's border, through the deep snow, and all the way to this cave with the strange markings. By now he should have been exhausted, and he was, but with the new animal before him and the odd markings on the wall and being so far from home the young boy was wide awake.

Gray and white tail waved happily behind him. His tongue lolled from he side of his mouth and head cocked sideways as he looked up at her honey colored body. What was she? He'd hears stories of all sorts of animals, but he'd never gotten the chance to come face to face with any ones like this. His parents would surely have a heart attack if they saw him now.

"What are ya Miss? I've neva seen you befwore. My name is Cweed! Mwighty wawwior of Glaciem!"

As if to emphasize how powerful and mighty he was he puffed out his chest and held his head and tail high all the while trying to control his tail which seemed to have a mind of its own. Blue-green gaze glanced back at it before growling, twisting his body so he could snap at it and then proceeded to chase it in a circle before getting dizzy and collapsing on the ground in a heap. The world spun for a moment and Creed just sat there trying to figure out why there was two of everything.

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[Image: LqRCxUq.png]