
Silveris Latchme


04-16-2015, 02:53 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Croatoan
Age: 17

Character's Name: Silveris Latchme
Character Age: 3 Years
Season of Birth: Summer
Adult Height: 24 inches
Appearance Description: When Silveris first found herself in this land, she was a very skinny pup, with her ribs showing. But now, because she has gotten older, and lived a year with her adopted mother and the packmates in Seracia, she has become very healthy looking. At her full height of 24 inches, she is obviously of medium height. She is plump, and her fur is soft and clean, with none of the mud and blood that covered her fur when she was a lot younger. She has also gotten a little taller, and she will be in the small size frame, where she will stay the rest of her life.

Her head, which once was lowered a lot, is now raised in happiness, her ears pricked up and slightly alert. Most of the time, she pants in happiness. Her fur, which was once all over the place, is groomed neatly so that she won't look as bad as she once did. The brown that once seemed darker brown from mud and blood, is now a beautiful light brown that seems to catch the light and make her fur even lighter. Her white paws, that were once light brown from the mud and dirt she walked on, now seem like they could blind you easily. Her body is strong once more, and she looks like she could walk anywhere, at any time. Silveris's paw pads are now pink and healthy looking, with the slightest sight of scars if you look close enough. The thing that made her look worse, though, has made her now look like the wolf she used to be, before all of the things in her past happened. Her eyes are bright and shiny, now happy with all the luck she's had so far.

Silveris's right eye is a beautiful mint green, and this color may or may not remind you of some of the pale leaves on trees. The girl's left eye was a dark sky blue, almost like the color of the ocean. Now it is a light robin's egg blue, clouded and blind in that eye.

Due to a large rock cutting her left side during the hurricane, Silveris will now have a permanent scar. It will change shades as she gets older, though. First, the darker pink of a new scar, then it will get slowly lighter. The lightest it will be is a pale shade of pink, enough to stand out against her fur. A scar around her eye has blinded her, a small scar that looks like a circle of furless flesh around her eye.
Skills: Hunting and Navigation

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