
Come together fall apart



3 Years
04-16-2015, 04:17 PM
It was strange how much the loss of a pack, the loss of purpose in her life had actually had such a drastic effect upon her. Once Talvi had struggled to fit into the ranks, to find her place in a pack and yet once she had overcome that she'd progressed in leaps and bounds until eventually finding herself in the position of beta; a rank she had never really expected to hold though had certainly been grateful for. Now though it wasn't any sort of power that she missed, she had always been rather good at melding back into the shadows it seemed. The pack life itself was something that she had come to enjoy.

Perhaps it was simply that she had kept to herself for far too long. Only the odd fellow rogue spotted here and there on her travels had been there for any sort of company and assistance in passing by the time. She'd never exactly been the most sociable of wolves, she could cope with the quiet and had never relied too heavily upon family or friends. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss the few that she had had.

Her goal had once been to find Pandora, perhaps even meet more of those mysterious half-siblings that she knew so little about though to date she hadn't been successful. Perhaps she could have tried to find Caeto, continue upon the start of their little adventure and quest to find the island she'd been born upon, though truth be told there were others that she needed to see before her friend. She had more family she cared about, Athena and her children, and she had been told where to find them. Talvi simply hadn't felt right in following them on their path, much in the same way she hadn't felt right in following Drashiel on his.

Though she still lacked any real goal in her life and certainly hadn't achieved anything else, it was time to catch up with someone she cared about. She'd spent the end of the summer in the North once more, a season away from the terrain had certainly left her missing the place she had come to call home and though some nostalgia had kicked in it was indeed the people that she had missed the most. It had been enough to kick her into action, set her on her path South to find her sister and right now brought her here to the Soulless Forest. She couldn't say she'd explored the area before and though she was used to tall trees, there was something almost unsettling about the place and the thick undergrowth was terribly annoying.