
Come together fall apart



2 Years
04-16-2015, 04:44 PM

He often ventured to the forest. It was a very short trek off of his usual beaten path through Imperium's territory, and it was a trip he could take in a mere hour or two if he didn't intend to be gone long. On this particular day he didn't mind how long he was gone. Bryn fluttered high above him and slightly ahead as per usual, though she was well within chirping distance should she spot anything worth noting to him. It had taken him some time to teach her that trees and inanimate objects were not of any interest to him, and she needn't identify each type of plant she saw as they passed it. Slowly but surely she was learning. He rolled his eyes as they entered the forest and she seemed to become flustered. Just about anything could fluster her. He let an ear casually roll forward toward her as she flew closer to him, alerting him to the presence of.. surprisingly.. a wolf. “There is one over there!” she chirped loud enough for the 'one' to hear. Emerald eyes rolled and he allowed a snort to burst free from his nostrils. He followed her lead, picking up a bouncy trot to discover who this wolf might be. He had run into a male in this forest before, and he was oddly curious to see if he'd come across the german lad again. “Hello there,” he offered in greeting as he became near enough to see the woman. She was oddly familiar in appearance, and he found his paws freezing where they'd fallen as he looked her over. He knew this woman, but he couldn't quite place her. He shifted his weight, eyes fixated upon her features. It wasn't every day that he ran into someone he knew, and it irked him that he couldn't come up with her name. His tail flickered behind him as he broke his hard gaze from her, trying not to stare her down completely. Perhaps she could shed some light upon the situation.


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.