
Come together fall apart



3 Years
04-17-2015, 04:20 AM
It was a long shot that any would recognise her name, Argent perhaps had been better known as one of Isardis' women, another former Queen from his reign in Glaciem. Something about her name apparently struck a chord however and the young man introduced himself, as she had thought he was an Armada and now she heard the name there was definitely a sense of familiarity about it as well. No official introduction had ever really been made, though she had certainly seen he and his brother amongst the pack when they were young. His brother of course not quite so much, quieter and slinking around far more though Kyarst had been another who wasn't afraid to be vocal in training sessions.

"It certainly has." She responded, settling herself as well. Honestly she couldn't actually recall the last time she might have really seen him within the pack. There had definitely been a point that it seemed that nearly everyone was vanishing. It was touching how loyal some had been to their king, fleeing with them though she certainly wished that same loyalty had expanded to the entire family, in her case at least that her mother would have stuck around. Had Kyarst been amongst those who had followed Isardis, or had he faded away earlier? Unfortunately the lack of any real connection meant the memories all blurred together, she really couldn't place the moment he had gone.

It was a wonder none had tried to guess her parentage earlier in her life. The blue tint of her coat she had learnt wasn't merely a coincidence after all though Isardis had never claimed any relation to her or her littermates at all. There were only a few that had known about Taurig and Argent's affair, Talvi was content to let it stay that way. These wolves shouldn't like her purely for blood alone, she'd keep her Zaldun name and her heritage remain a secret.

"You appear to be doing well, where has life taken you these days?" Had he reunited with any of his family, there had after all once been many of them roaming around at one point. Perhaps there still were simply more scattered than they had previously been.