
Welcome to the Hotel California :]


06-10-2013, 08:12 AM
Now, it was true that Eria wasn't sure of how the inside of the mountain ran. She had only seen the crevice of its side from a far off observation. As she walked with her newfound companion, she had a slight fear of what the unexpected was going to be like for them. Her light ocean blue eyes widely looked around them as they continued to walk on the current trail.
The ceiling of the tunnel was low across their backs, making it seem like they were moles that were blindly walking into the unknown. She couldn't help but move her eyes up, realizing how close they were to the top of the tunnel. "Hmmm.." she mused out loud, hoping that the tunnel would expand sooner or later. Eria couldn't help but voice to Pontifex, "I can't hear anything from the outside now. Do you think this tunnel leads up to the top of the mountain or down into the heart of it?" Either way, she was concerned about their safety, which was evident in her voice.
Her ears perked and eyes wider than ever, she continued to walk. A side glance to Pontifex made her smile and she tried to keep her pace the same as his. She didn't want to seem too excited about having a spalunking buddy, but her smile probably gave it away. Her tail swept behind her lazily and before they knew it, the ceiling began to rise. There became more room to move around and just as Eria was beginning to think there wasn't anything at the end of their tunnel, there was. Three seperate mountain tunnels were displayed in a small, spacious area at the end of their first leg of the adventure. Eria looked at each one in turn and being unsure was evident across her face. She turned her head to meet Ponti's gaze and eagerly asked, "Which way should we go?"