
Young Money



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-17-2015, 10:41 AM
Even when she had ruled the Kingdom of Seracia, her pack hadn't exactly been militaristic. Not like Valentine's, it seemed. She'd never been afraid of fighting but she knew as well as anyone that not all disputes needed to be settled with violence. A sharp mind could be just as dangerous, if not more, than the strongest jaws. The compliment sent a wash of pleasure over her, demonstrated by the wide smile she flashed in his direction. "Well -- thank you," she'd acknowledge his words quickly. It wasn't the most noble idea for a pack, but she wasn't looking to impress anyone, only to keep her family safe and well.

Her ears would perk with obvious interest as he spoke. He was interested in a trade of sorts, and she couldn't help but think of her meeting with the alpha of the neighboring pack of Donostrea. She'd already proposed to send Amalia there to trade, but to send her to Imperium as well? It seemed like a lot to request of her, though she knew her daughter would do so willingly. She'd think on it for a moment before offering a suggestion of her own. "Have you heard of a pack named Donostrea?" she'd inquiry gently, her voice hinting that she had an idea of her own. "They, too, have come to me looking for some assistance in training their own in healing. I wanted my daughter to give them a lesson on the basics; perhaps you'd be interesting in joining them?" It made a lot more sense than repeating the lesson twice and making Amalia run halfway across the land to do so. "In turn, they're willing to give our aspiring fighters some lessons. Perhaps we can combine that as well." A gentle shrug was offered. Epiphron wasn't committed to the idea, but it seemed reasonable enough to her.

Table by:: Keno