
Let's adventure!


06-10-2013, 08:25 AM

The little girl was the first to respond, a quizzical look sliding over her features as a question dropped from her lips. What did those words mean? It wasn't that she couldn't remember them, she had those words memorized as soon as they were spoken. "What you say?" She knew the words, recognized them even but couldn't manage to place the meaning to the words properly. This managed to stop the young female in her tracks. Tiny body straightened as she returned the females quizzical look with one of her own. Jaw unhinged slightly in an attempt to start speaking but he couldn't quite string the proper words together to get her meaning across. She took a step back as she cast her gaze to the ground, suddenly embarrassed. It was then that the male spoke, words once again washing over her. But it stopped her from backing up further, large ears pricking forward attentively at his voice. But it wasn't really the words she was listening to. Instead she looked at his missing leg. He was like Prospero? But not really... There was no heavy scarring or constant pain like Prospero had.

She took a hesitant step forward, looking from his leg to his face as wagging her tail to try and convalesce that she meant no harm. "Like Prospero..." she said softly, before giggling slightly. If all three legged wolves were like Prospero then they would be best friends right? That was probably the most sound logic she had had since deciding to travel more to the mainland. She hopped forward, tail waving once more. "Hello! I be Kangi! Who you?" she asked cheerfully, trying to get the male to smile at her again as she dropped back into a play bow. Prospero had always been able to keep up and play with her despite his lack of a fourth leg. This male should be able to do the same right? She didn't understand that this wasn't a normal thing, that the only two males she had ever met were disabled or broken. Just like Misty she was beginning to think it was the norm.
