
Let's Get Down To Business



8 Years
Extra large
04-17-2015, 11:24 AM
The tall man would listen to the man who'd called the little group here, his bright yellow gaze lingered upon him as the rest of their group appeared, Bass being one of them. With his presence the stoic wolf would turn slightly, nodding his head deeply in respect for the man. He wouldn't linger however, as Allen's words reached his ears. Shai would perk and watch the man, his attention quite taken with the game that was offered. His interest was captured for sure. As Allen nodded to him, obviously unaware of his name, Shai couldn't help but correct him. "Shai," He'd offer only his first name, it seemed he was done with the Adayemi name. It had died with the tribe. He'd shake himself of those though, his focus on the young girl he was tracking. One of Bass's daughters.

He'd watch as she disappeared, and he'd come to his feet as he awaited the command for the adults to continue on their way. It seemed Allen was quite focused on the sight aspect of tracking, he'd smirk quietly as he was sent off. No matter how well the girl would hide unless she traipsed through a river he would be able to track her scent, especially so close to her. Using his nose the man found his way after the girl, she'd take trails that made tracking her scent even easier. She had a lot to learn, but that was the point of training.

For a man of his stature he was rather silent, he'd spent many seasons perfecting the silence of his paws. His form was lowered towards the ground, his knees bents as he placed his paws carefully but quickly. He knew he was drawing more near, but now that the final moments were upon him her small stature and coat that blended well within the grasses sight was difficult. He'd keep watching out for her form, sure that any moment he would capture her. The boarder was still a ways off. Then she was there, a slight shift in the grass and a fluffy rump in retreat. He'd smile darkly as he leaped forward, his long form aiming to land right behind the young girl. "Found you," He'd offer gently as his eyes finally landed upon her.
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