



7 Years
04-17-2015, 12:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 12:21 PM by Tealah.)

This was a great idea. He hadn't discussed it with anyone yet because well, they'd probably think it wasn't really a great idea but it was. Emergency medical training, free and open to anyone whether from a pack or a loner, ally or enemy. It was fantastic! He didn't know how he'd not thought of it sooner. Maybe it was helping Integra learn that had inspired him, or maybe his talk with Katja had made him realize he was neglecting his duties as a healer in favor of being alpha. After all, his duty as a healer was to all the wolves of Alacritia, not just to Ebony and his allies. He couldn't be everywhere at once, of course, but he could make sure that there were enough wolves in the lands who were competent with emergency healing to make up for it.

He'd sent Rommel out, the leggy fox bounding off at a swift pace, to go spread the word to all the packs whose alphas would listen, as well as whatever loners he happened across. It wasn't a safe proposition for a fox, speaking with strange wolves, for the nature of their species often led wolves to kill foxes to reduce the competition for prey, but Rommel was calm and adept, and being tall for his species - as tall as some wolves - would help as well.

He paused as he came to the river and cast his eyes around happily before dropping his bundle at his feet. Many more such bundles were piled there - various herbs that he'd collected mostly in the unclaimed areas around the river so as to not take away from any one pack's stores, many, many sticks covered in large amounts of spider webs that he'd had to go out of his way to find, bundles of clean dry moss, a few combs of honey oozing their precious cargo onto a protective leaf barrier, and even a small pile of game animals including a whitetail deer a short way off from the healing things in case the training ran long and guests got hungry. Hephaestus had helped him gather everything before he'd excused himself to go back to Ebony - Phaes wasn't really much of a healer, so he wasn't going to stay for the training.

Rommel appeared as he'd finished sorting the herbs out into separate piles. The fox nodded to him before, his mission done, he moved to the riverside to slowly cool down from his journey. Kassander took a deep breath - well, this was it... time to either do this or have wasted all this effort - and sent out a high, clear howl alerting any interested wolves to his particular location.


OOC: Ok so! Basically this is going to be a HUGE healer bonanza!  If you have a healer or anyone interested in learning battlefield/emergency medicine, send them here! I'm going to be trying out a new training format so it's very exciting! All that's missing is your wolves - feel free to say that Rommel spoke with either your pack's alpha (if the alpha is cool with that) or directly with your wolf to invite them to the training, or Kassander or Hephaestus if your wolf would be unlikely to talk to a fox. I'm going to give this thread about a week for people to get in (I will be starting anywhere from Friday to Sunday next week depending on what I've got going on in RL) and I'll explain how we're going to do it then. I may get over excited and start the training before then - if I do it's very ok for your wolf to show up late! :) They will still get to participate and they won't get in trouble for it.