



10 Years
04-17-2015, 06:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2015, 06:33 PM by Kaprasíus.)

As restless as ever, Kaprasius had taken to wandering the more central eastern lands with Hypnos as his companion. As to where Katja had gone, he was not sure, but he knew her brief disappearance was nothing to be concerned about. They were fated to be in one another's lives and he was certain their paths would cross again very soon.

Only when he caught a trail of her scent did he become really interested in where she had gone. Briefly he had followed her scent to the south, but decided against following her. But now.. she was here again! Feeling curious, and quite inspired by the sudden revelation, he'd begun to trail after her scent with interest.

The only thing that took him off-course was the strange call that rang out for over the lands, beckoning all with interest to come join... for healing training? The invitation seemed to be for any with interest and immediately he felt giddy with excitement at the prospect of such a random gathering.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

It was with little hesitation that he made his way to the man that had called. Surprisingly, he hadn't been far downstream, no more than half a dozen miles. The lanky man would move with alarming speed, quite interested in what this gathering would entail. His features would brighten as the few wolves that had arrived came into view, a cheeky grin contorting his features as he loped toward the few with ease. Before acknowledging the others, nor the male that had called, he'd tip back his muzzle to let loose a call of his own.. for Hypnos, and for Katja if she was near. Jǫrmungandr seemed unimpressed with his sudden decision to come here and the snake coiled near the top of his head, a soft hiss leaving its mouth as its tongue snaked from between its small jaws. When his call was concluded, he'd amble to Kassander, examining him with wide eyes. "Such a grand gesture for a boy so young," he'd comment lazily, amusement dancing in his accented voice. "It would be a shame if things didn't go according to plan.." His words were merely jesting, not exactly a threat; though if this little healing thing didn't prove to be worthwhile, he was certain he could bring some fun to the table.

WARNING: Kaprasíus is extremely prone to violence, including maim fights & character claiming.
Katja is also welcome in any and all of his threads, without warning.
He also has a bush viper companion named Jǫrmungandr.