
the summer swells in

Eirik I


3 Years
04-17-2015, 09:36 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Quiet as ever, the small wolf chose not to say much but Eirik was happy to note that she at least was okay after running into him. He had been a little worried; compared to her, he was like a big rock, and if she had managed to make him skip a step it meant she had to have run into him pretty decently. Rosy eyes colored with concern even as he smiled and skimmed over Saga quickly, double checking for himself that she spoke the truth. When she turned the question back around needlessly on him, his smile grew and so did his amusement. "Think you might have dislocated my hip," he joked somewhat teasingly, shifting his back leg a little as if experimenting with its mobility, "but I can walk it off." Was it just him or did she seem a little more timid than usual?

He was determined as ever to keep things easy and fun - simple words that he lived by and a lifestyle he was not altogether sure she was familiar with - and was encouraged when he saw her nearly smile outright with her answer. A big fat hare did sound like a nice little meal, enough so that he could feel his mouth water a bit at the thought, but with the heat combining with his natural inclination toward laziness the urge to perk up and help track it down was not nearly strong enough to urge him into action. "That's too bad," Eirik replied, and, belatedly putting everything together, he asked guiltily, "Did I mess that up?" It would not have surprised him; even without trying he rarely ever entered into something without making a mess of things first.

Keeping with her succinct answers, Saga stated that things were "fine" with her, and without quite thinking himself he answered in kind when she questioned him. "Fine," he stated simply, adding a nod of his head for emphasis, though finding it lacking too much for his taste he elaborated. "Dad hasn't kicked me off Guard work yet, so still doing that," he joked, "and I'm going to be a big brother soon." He practically beamed as he spoke of his future siblings, his excitement clearly evident. "I'm hoping there's a boy. I like my sisters and all but-" he paused, shook his head with a sour look - "a brother would be awesome."