
A bitter sweet goodbye


06-10-2013, 10:13 AM

Winter had taken hold of the vast expanse of A;acritis. A ebony shadow had once more slipped from the safety of her home, venturing out in the near by surrounding lands. She rarely went far, sticking near Tortuga. Tonight was no different. The moon hung in the darkened sky, caressing the land in its soft light, including the figure that weaved her way expertly around the brush, a specific destination in mind. The hot springs. It had only been recently discovered but wasn't yet a popular hang out. She had heard rumors of the warm water, though toxic to drink, felt wonderful on the body in winter. At her age, along with the cold, her joints had started to bother her, and her thin though soft pelt did little to shield out the cold. Sapphire eyes met the expanse of trees that surounded the lake, blocking out the world for a little peace and quiet. A ghost of a smile tugged at her lips. With a renewed brisk pace, the small dame trotted the last bit, cutting through the trees with ease, stopping when the lake came into her view. In the cold air, steam rose up from the warm waters, illuminated by the moonlight, giving the confined area an eery look.

Not the least bit repelled, paws carried her ever faithfully to the waters edge. The snow had all but frozen her paws, along with the rest of her body. Slowly, she placed one paw in the water, sucking in air at the sudden change in temperature that burned so good. She stayed in the shallows, not daring to get completely soaked in the dead of winter. Standing only up to ankles, she allowed the water to warm her paws, feeling the warmth spread, the steam melting the snow that clung to her pelt, the humid air soaking up her perfume, saturating the air with it. This was heaven. Eyes fluttered shut, muscles relaxing, her tail sweeping the surface creating ripples around her. She could stay here all of winter. She hated the damn cold, and the damn snow.

Backing up, she rested her haunches on the dry shore, keeping her paws in the water. Unknowingly, with her last few weeks in this world, she found herself enjoying life again. She had spent time with her son Rune, but had yet to see Vixe or Maia. And Kylar. Well... She still needed to speak with that brute. He had been avoiding her lately, and for a good reason. Casting her gaze down, she caught sight of her reflection. Baby blues stared back at her, the only discoloring of her otherwise flawless pelt was the graying around her muzzle, which had become more prominent as of lately. She didn't mind, she was proud of the life she had made, even with the few mistakes and speed bumps she had endured. She knew that when it was time, she would be ready.

"Talk here."