
The Kid's Aren't Alright

Eirik I


3 Years
04-17-2015, 10:20 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik breathed an airy sort of chuckle as Einarr confirmed that his own mom was strict. The Kaname boy had suspected it just from the little that he knew of her. She was small but in no way did her personality reflect it, and he took that big personality to mean that the same stern way that she met things in life meant family would be no different. And he could totally understand how living with that was. After all, his father was the alpha. "Yeah, she is kind of scary in her own way," he added, reflecting back to the training she had tried to conduct with him and his little sister. Though, as he thought about it, Warja might have had everyone beat; she was just plain unpredictable at times.

He was not at all surprised to know that Akemi thought her son would be good for a sentry position in the pack. He was not entirely sure their age difference - was this kid a year yet or not? - but Eirik could see already that he was not going to be a teeny thing like his mom. Heck, he was sure Einarr was going to shoot right on past him in size too. "Yeah, I bet she's right," Eirik agreed with a quick nod and a confident smile, "maybe even a Guard if you like that better." The thought sounded like great fun to him. Without his cousins around anymore for him to pal around with, and still too unfamiliar with Kismet, Eirik hardly felt like he had any guy friends in the pack. Maybe he could take this kid under his wing like he had intended to do with Amarant and see if he could help out somehow.

The praise for his father was met with a little laugh and a shrug that seemed to brush off the compliments. It was still weird for him to hear talk about his father like this, especially when what he heard sometimes did not always reflect his own perception of the stoic, serious man. "He's alright, I guess," he commented, unsure how exactly he should respond to Einarr's remark. "Your mom's helped out a lot too," he added, recalling the lesson she had given when she had been trying to become the pack's Sentinel as well as the fight on the border she had jumped into.

But that was enough about their parents. Seeing an opportunity for the conversation to move a little differently, Eirik took it. "How 'bout you? Are you liking Secretua?" he asked with a curious but easy smile. He did not quite know the entire story of Einarr's family life, or the drama that had led to his uncle leaving the pack, but he knew there was a bit of rockiness in there somewhere and did not want to judge him too harshly on whatever answer he happened to give.