
I'll Have Her Home By 2am



4 Years
Extra large
04-17-2015, 11:36 PM

It had been far too long since he had seen his star-spangled friend. He had made the long journey from the Moontouched Cliffs to see her, and he had a surprise in mind as well. There was an amazing thing that he had found, and it was just for her. Grasped in his jaws was something that he had found and crafted for her himself, with the help of a friendly monkey of course. Glee filled him as he came close to the borders, stopping as his toes touched the scent marker. Ah, it would seem that Voltage had held true to his word and had claimed himself a pack. He felt oddly proud for the bright marked male, his head nodding in silent agreement. Giving it a moment to all sink in, like he did for everything, he tipped back his head and let out a call for his little star-gazer.

When the large man's song came to an end he lowered his head, dropping his present on his paws. Gazing fondly at the object he let out a soft hum, dark brown eyes looking up to scan the dark beach. He longed to see Astrea, and he shuffled on his paw. The urge to cross the border to find her himself was tempting, but he had respect for the new alpha of these lands. He would not trespass just to try and see her, he knew that she would come. Seerten couldn't help but glance up at the starry sky, only a few clouds dotting the endless plains. Of course he had come here at their favorite time of day, the dead of night.

Speech Thought Others

Seerten is a wolf x dalmatian hybrid, and has a mix of the two breeds coats. Most of his body is the thin, rough fur of a dalmatian, while his neck, chest, and tail are long and furry like a wolf.