
Cold as Ice



4 Years
04-17-2015, 11:39 PM
She watched as he stiffened, which was understandable, she was the aggressor in this situation. She took a breath, clearing her mind of her irritation of him interrupting her small melt down. She flicked her ears back then perked them back up. He may have be wary of her, just as she was to him; but even so he still disclosed his name to her. She was a bit taken aback by that, the group that killed her mother would have played a game with her and would have never given her a name, even a fake one.

Takira blinked at him, ignoring the small new sting from her left eye. She tilted her head looking at the male in a new light. He was a large male, as tall as she and filled with the same sleek muscles. His eyes are even much akin to hers, but where hes was a red orange his a pure red, and bright. She tilted her head the other way looking past his physique to his coloring. He was a varying tones of gray with a very intriguing markings at the corner of his eyes.

And not only that, he seemed kinda... Well sad. Much how she felt before the ice filled her veins. What had happened to make him be that way? Was his mother killed too? Could be possibly know her pain? She wanted to know. Ice felt like it melted slightly, maybe not completely but slightly.

"I am Takira Taske."

She blinked. Sighing softly as she came to decided that he was someone to not be aggressive to, that he just happened upon her for no other reason other then he was passing though and scented the fresh blood from her eye. "Sorry, as you can see I am a bit jumpy." She sighed as she relaxed her body and sank down on her flanks. "I have had a rough day." She held back from show her true feelings about the day but she did let a small amount of sadness to show in her face wheres before was only a cold mask.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]