
Tinaro vs Starling



5 Years
04-17-2015, 11:57 PM
 Starling stood with his toes to the other boy who he...oddly didn't really know. But then again, Starling always seemed to have his head tucked in a flower bed, than learning the names of his pack mates. With a timid smile he'd look up at the boy, his ears pinned in anxiety rather than defense. This...was a bad idea. This was a bad idea! But he didn't voice it. He merely smiled, his eyes shifting from around them to his opponent....this was a bad idea. Swallowing against his anxiety he lowered his head just a bit, defenses falling into place smoothly. He was always afraid, and so his body seemed to move so naturally into position. His tail would tuck, ears would pin and his head would lower as much as possible in this close proximity. His legs, parted at shoulder width, would bend and his weight would settle on his hind limbs so he could spring away. But that wasn't the point of today. Starling wouldn't run, he had to fight. Swallowing around his nervousness again, he laughed slightly. It was an awkward sound, like he didn't know how to make it, as Tinaro suggested Starling go first. No, this was a bad idea! He wasn't used to fighting, he was always on the was like today was backwards day. But he remembered how he felt when Bass made the call, remembered how much he wanted to prove more to himself than anything that he wasn't just a timid lanky flower boy. He wanted to be able to, that was wrong. He wanted to keep up with Lark, wanted to have something he could discuss with his bigger brother, cause lord knows Lark probably wouldn't be interested in his flora. "I have no idea what to do.." He whispered timidly, for once not stuttering as he glanced around. No one was face to face, toes touching. Why in the world would anyone start a fight this way? But he thought about it, felt his basic instinct as he stood with Tinaro. The hairs along his neck raised as he felt his bubble so...rudely trespassed. It caused a defensive feeling in Starling, but how would he feel if maybe...perhaps, he wanted to attack. His heart raced in his chest as he turned to look at Tinaro again, laughing awkwardly before he lifted himself up just slightly. Breathing deeply to settle his anxiety he would then lung (weakly) in attempt to push his body weight against the boy, his muzzle moving to grab the thick fur along Tinaro's left side (Starling's right). His bite, if it landed, wouldn't be hard, nothing more than a grip of teeth on flesh, nothing more than he had felt when he was a puppy and his siblings insisted on playing with teeth and claw. His tail would swish out behind him to hold him steady, but that was the extent of his move, not knowing what else to do.

"Burn Baby Burn"