
I'll Have Her Home By 2am



5 Years
04-18-2015, 02:48 AM

Astrea watched as Ten chuckled and lean down to the thing between his paws. Her eyes fallowed him the whole way and widened when the item came into view. Her whole world stopped when her eyes locked on the star in his jaws. She stopped breathing as it swayed on the chain, and as he moved to place it over her head her eyes filled with tears. It was like he reached into the sky and plucked this very star from the heavens, and she felt it. It was not a star indeed but it pulsed with its own kind of power. It calmed her. She closed her eyes, but it was more than the calming wave of peace that filled her she also felt the warmth of Ten next to her heart. She hummed happily as she opened her eyes and looked at the male that seemed to call to her, even when he was not with her. He called to her much like the stars did and that was a large pull.

She did not hear his words but she felt the meeting behind them. She came back to herself when she felt his soft touch on her chest. She hummed as she felt his warmth, both from the stone and from him. He moved to put distance between them but she did not want the distance, she moved forward spurred by the warmth. She dug her face into the fur of his chest needing the closeness of him. This was new to her, she always felt the need to be with him, even going out of her way to look for him when she should not; and when she was not able to go to him she always looked up and thought about him and their time together looking at those very stars. But this was different, she needed him now. She felt that growing need since he faced up against Voltage on her behalf. He was everything she did not know she needed; a soft presence that understood her quite nature and brought out the best of her. "I'v missed you too." She dug her face further into his fur, needing to get closer to him, the gift humming softly against her now pounding heart.

Her heart skipped a beat when he not only told her that she was like family to her, and that he needed her. She never felt so needed as this moment, with this male who not only gave her the best gift he could but gave her his heart. Her white knight. "Yes, I think my brother has known this day was coming." She moved her head slightly from his chest for when she howled it would not be in his fur but not so much that she lost contact from him. She then lifted her head and gave a call for her dearest older brother.

She stopped singing after her message was clear and moved her head back to the original spot deep into his fur. She murmured softly, but if Seerten where to listen closely he may hear her tell him that she thought she loved him.