
I'll Have Her Home By 2am



6 Years
04-18-2015, 04:32 AM
Ah, so he had been found out already. With a boyish grin he'd shrug his shoulders gently, a small laugh on his tongue. "You never know what you might hear, if you listen carefully." He said with a gentle smile, dipping his head to the man before him to welcome him to their packlands. Seerten's specialty wasn't hunting, it seemed, but Voltage didn't much believe the rank you held was where you were destined to be. They were a small pack, a small family, and each would learn every job and help out when they can. "What are your skills?" He asked softly before he paused, smiling and shaking his head. "Never mind. Once you are settled, we shall talk then." He said with a gentle smile, looking to his sister that seemed to refuse to move away from the big spotted wolf. He hadn't seen her so happy, so content in quite a while.

But it seemed that this wouldn't be just a simple "welcome to the family" or...well, it could probably still be called that. Seerten's next words were nothing like what Voltage would ever expect, he had never believed he'd face such a thing. And yet....Stormy eyes would grow so wide, staring at Seerten and his sister before they began to mist, water. A warmth coursed through him before he closed his eyes, dropping his nose towards the ground and chuckling. It was like, well, no, there was no way to describe it. With a small shake of his head, he felt giddy, happy. Slowly his eyes would open again, a few moments had only passed, and he looked up at Seerten. He had always been the big brother, the protector, but never had he really felt like he was put in the position as a father. And for some reason...he didn't much like it. He wasn't out to take the place of his parents, no, he was merely there to guide. "Isn't that something you should ask her?" He whispered so softly, stormy eyes soft as the calm after the storm. With a small smile he looked towards Astrea then, gazing upon her. "It's not my place to decide where she belongs, I just hope you will both remain close to us." He would dip his head to Seerten then, a respectful bow to the man that seemed to have one his littlest sister's heart. "And Sir...nah. It's Volty or nothing, brother." And with that he'd welcome the man into his family, regardless of whether or not Astrea accepted him.

"Burn Baby Burn"