
Turning Point


04-18-2015, 10:43 AM

So that was it. Phoebe had passed the pack off to his brother in order to take a break and go off on a journey with Hera. Thanatos would give a small nod in response to this. He would miss his aunt, though he wished her well in her endeavor. There would be some more minor changes to the pack as well, which Thany would listen to quietly. So there didn’t seem to be too much changing, other than the fact that there would be equal opportunities for all members of the pack. This he agreed with, though he wasn’t sure how Poe might feel about the changes. It was something the wolf decided to discuss with the raven later.

There was something unexpected in regards to him, however, as Hercules asked if he might step up to the rank of Peltast. Thanatos would blink his seagreen eyes, finally giving a nod as he let out a gentle rumble. “It would... Be an... Honor...” The young man would lift his head a little higher. “I... Accept... The position.” He would smile at his brother. There was much he would need to help shoulder, but Thanatos felt ready to take on this responsibility. He would give his all for his family, for Pantheon. He would need to step up his game for certain.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Lolaf