
White Wedding


06-10-2013, 12:39 PM
Ooc, Seracians first if possible, then Valhallans can make their greetings. Yay wedding!

It was time. Winter was here and the wedding date was set. There was a certain chill in the air, but the weather had nothing to do with it. The King of Seracia arose early on that morn, so early that the sun had not yet lit up the sky with even a small glow. Darkness overtook the wintery Seracia, but the glow of the moon on the snow was enough to guide him by. He would move to the center of the packland, finding his way to the machinery shed and angling his back to it as a backdrop. Eyes would sweep all around him, searching for movement. There was none. Fluidly he would lift his head and release a beckoning melody ? encouraging his comrades to join him in the march to Valhalla. This day would be a day of celebration. The sun streaked across the sky as his melody ceased and his crown returned to its natural angle. Here he would wait for the gathering party. Whoever came would not be denied, but they would have to behave appropriately ? though he wasn?t too worried about that.

------- [ time skip to when they have gathered] -------

As they gathered he would nod to each of them, and when their arrivals slowed considerably he parted his jaws in speech. ?Thank you all for coming, today is the day that Seracia will unite with Valhalla through the marriage of my son Maverick and his bride, Epiphron Adravendi. Their union will be a representation of the unwavering alliance between Seracia and Valhalla. Each and every one of you are welcome to join in this occasion, but are expected to represent Seracia in the best way you possibly can. I anticipate no less than kindness and courtesy toward everyone you should come across in this endeavor. And now, we will begin our travel to Valhalla.? With those words spoken and out of the way, the King moved from his position and toward the west where Vallhalla did lie.

------- [ time skip to when they arrive on Valhallan borders ] -------

As Valhalla expanded before his very eyes, the King halted respectfully at their borders. The sun had risen completely above the horizon, but had not made much progress in its ascent into the sky. With a smile he offered forth a howl, calling anyone in Valhalla who could escort he and his party into their lands. A chill buffeted his frame as he turned back to the fray. A smile broke out onto his face as his tail danced between his hocks. Amethyst eyes sought his son as a question drifted from his lips. ?Are you nervous, Maverick?? Words were not totally in jest, but there was a certain amount of humor laced into them. The King could not be more pleased.


Image by Ruelle.