
too hot (hot damn)



7 Years
Dire wolf
04-18-2015, 02:29 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

The smaller lass brushed her pallid toes lightly over the violet blooms, glancing down at them as she did. A strange word left her mouth, the name of this herb. "Fire... weed?" The celestial behemoth repeated slowly, tone rising at the end to make sure she'd pronounced it right. The other explained slowly what the herb was used for, gesturing as she spoke to make sure that her points got across. Throat pains, stomach problems and.. bleeding. That sounded familiar, but she would have to ask Ria about what it meant, just to be sure. She nodded solemnly, humming quietly. Gaze would fix upon the foliage, committing it to memory. Mith had a bad habit of eating things he shouldn't sometimes, so it would definitely be helpful. At a question from the violet eyed lass, she glanced back up. Healer? That was a funny word. "What healer does mean?" She asked, question completely garbled by her inability to remember which words went where in the moment. A small frown would crease her features.

Haunches would come to rest upon the ground, making herself comfortable in the deep orange light of the heated cavern. She was quite content to have a conversation with the other female, and was gleaning quite a bit of information as it were. It was pleasant, nothing like the problematic conversations with some of the natives who blabbered on with complicated words she didn't know and expect her to completely understand what was being said there. It was like being a child all over again.