
my back has been breaking from this heavy heart

Tiresias I


06-10-2013, 12:51 PM
i'm the lonelier version of you

Feeling that it would be impolite for him to watch the other wolf eat, Tiresias glanced at him when he spoke, then averted his gaze. Natsu. Tiresias committed it to memory, hoping not to forget the male's name. He was at ease with the male and was happy for his company, since he didn't have anyone else. Natsu seemed kind and grateful, unlike his bastard of a brother, who owed Tiresias his very life. For a moment, Tiresias wondered what it would be like to have a normal brother, then pushed the thought out of his mind. Best not to think of that now. Natsu almost looked interested with what Tiresias had to say, which wasn't something he was used to.

The other wolf apologized for probing, and Tiresias shook his head in response. "No, it's quite all right. Yes, it's a sibling, my only living brother. We stayed together after the attack, and just recently split up." He sighed. It felt to him that he'd spoken too much, but he had one more thing to say. "He left somewhere in the North. With only three legs, I'm afraid he won't survive the winter. Not my problem." There was a bit more force on the last sentence than he'd intended as he tried to convince himself it was so.

Feeling that his answer would suffice, he fell silent. Talking was not his strong suit, but he didn't think that his acquaintance would mind it.

tag: Natsu ? notes ? credit for lineart: akreon