
daegmar v kyarst



2 Years
04-19-2015, 02:34 PM
His ears remained flat against his skull, emerald eyes narrowed to dangerous and determined slits. As his paws made contact with her frame he found himself pushing his weight down on her, reaffirming his balance and lowering his center of gravity. Instinctively his front claws sought to hold onto her flesh as best as canine claws could hope for, while his back talons snared into the earth for added traction. His tail flagged out behind him, twisting to and fro in effort to keep his balance sure.

He hadn't been anticipating such a low blow, although he immediately cursed himself for not expecting it as soon as the searing pain spread through his midsection. Alarms sounded in his brain as he determined the epicenter of her attack to be located precariously close to certain cherished body parts. He groaned, knowing that at least three of her fangs had taken hold upon him and would likely not let go. Instinctively he would curl his back right leg high up against his belly, and in one foul swoop he would aim a swift kick to the underside of her chin. His hope was to snare a small amount of flesh and then drag downward with great enough force to rip a decent sized laceration or two in the sensitive flesh of her throat and cause her to release her hold upon him.

A growl slipped out of widely gapped jaws as her shoulder moved forward into his balancing back leg, forcing him back an inch or two. He could feel the heat of a bruise rising in the area, but would not allow himself to waver for fear of losing his manhood to her hungry jaws. Feeling himself pushed back slightly by her movements, his front claws would seek a deeper and stronger hold on the flesh of her sides as he attempted to keep his balance. Due to his kick toward her throat, he would narrowly miss her attempt to stomp upon his right hind paw.

Finally his jaws would meet their mark - or rather the mark they could reach due to her movements. He could feel flesh and muscle somewhere beneath his splayed jaws as several teeth sunk deep into her back. He would release his hold immediately - never having intended to keep it - and would aim another swift bite to the same exact area midway down her spine between her hips and shoulders, this time hoping for a more permanent and damaging hold.

2/3 for spar


Kyarst is 2 years old, 142 lbs, and 36" tall. This is your warning. He is prone to acts of violence including but not limited to: maims, claims, dominance challenges, etc. He is also prone to foul language. Also, Lysis is allowed to pop into his threads whenever she pleases, as the two are almost always close to one another.