
I'll Have Her Home By 2am



5 Years
04-19-2015, 02:34 PM

She felt him pull her closer that was soon fallowed by his warm breath and his tongue. She smiled as he kept silent, she knew he needed time to think, he was never one to just blurt out words and that was one of the tings she liked about him the most. He was thoughtful and polite. And such a sweet guy.

She was content to stay like this for now but as she hummed her happiness but he tugged on her ear and pulled away. She beamed as he came into her line of sight to only look down when he played with her new star. She hummed again, closing her eyes. Life it seemed was just falling into place. but when he spoke she pulled away. She blinked as Voltage come from the shadows. She blinked she had only just called for him, he should not have been able to get here so fast. She frown as she tilted her head at her brother. He had been spying on her it seemed. Which is not shocking but still a bit annoying, she was an adult after all she didn't need her older brother watching her every move. She glowered at her brother, not willing to let this go. She was about to say something when he said that Ten could join. She sighed, letting it go for Volt already said that Ten could join the pack!

She wanted to bound to him and hive him a great big kiss on the cheek but didn't get a chance to because Ten stopped her in her tracts with his words. She stared blankly at her brother as the conversation seemed to go on around her.

Seerten wanted to court her? Like in become her mate? Joy filled her mind at the very though of him and her. She snapped out of it after bowed to Ten. She smiled brightly as him, it was no question about what she thought about Ten, he was her white knight. There was no way she was going to let him get away from her. "There is no need to ask Seerten. I have already accepted you." Her smile brightened as she looked up at her big silly charmer. "You are my white knight after all."

She then turned to her brother a smile bright on her face. "Of course I would stay. This is my home and family." She smiled at her brother and then up at Ten.