
I condemn Thee[May]


06-10-2013, 01:52 PM
It didn't come as a shock when she didn't surprise the man. He was another Tortugan, wolves of their kind didn't typically surprise or scare easily. May couldn't help but wonder about his battle tactics. Is he stronger than what he looks. Maybe, by luck, he is slower than what he looks. All her questions about the man's fighting would soon be answered.

"As do I, and lets." she spoke as they looked one another in the eyes. She herself wasn't terrible at fact she rather enjoyed it. She was rather fast for her large size, surprisingly so. But her favorite was to use her bruit force against others, to hear them scream, to hear them was only part of why Tortuga was the only place for her. So far, no one has been able to make it past her powerful jaws to make her see the downfall of her large, muscular frame.

Icy blue eyes watched as the man moved to bite down on her shoulder. She didn't move, aside from widening her stance to keep her balance, until the last second. The moment May felt Tavros's teeth move the fur on her shoulder her jaw opened and her head snapped down. Her teeth aimed at his face. Before she tasted blood she felt the pain that came as the male's teeth punctured her flesh.

Defense: widened her stance to keep her balance
Offense: opens her jaws and aims to clamp her jaws down on Tavros's face.
Injuries: puncture wounds in May's left shoulder...amount of damage depends on what Travro's does next