
Lysis v Rhythm



3 Years
04-19-2015, 07:54 PM
Though she wasn’t necessarily a skilled fighter, she was fearless in the face of the unknown. Pain was certainly something she could deal with -- she’d dealt with it for most of her childhood. Of course, despite her lack of worry, it didn’t stop the slight feeling of anxiety that had begun to creep through her veins. Being slightly on edge wasn’t necessarily a bad thing though; she kept her gaze locked on Rhythm as they moved together, narrowing them as she decided to make the first move.

Though she’d been quick, Rhythm was quite alert and seemed to predict that she’d strike first as she set her defenses. Good -- she wasn’t fighting an idiot. Luckily, the other woman was nearly the same height and weight as herself, making her a quite good opponent. Especially compared to Kyarst, who was considerably larger than herself, who she’d had the most practice fighting against.

It wasn’t surprising that the slight force of her weight didn’t Rhythm crashing to the ground, as much as she had hoped it might. Instead of stumbling, Rhythm would push back into her with similar force. Not wanting to be knocked off balance herself, she’d straighten her back and try to keep her tail aligned with her back. Still her toes spread, trying to grip the soil as she lunged forward and made impact with the ground as she tried to bite at Rhythm’s shoulder. Feeling a new burst of strength, letting a snarl rip from jaws as her jaws were pushed further apart in the midst of the attempted bite. Pain ebbed through her skull as the muscle of her jaw overextended itself, though she would attempt to pull her head slightly back and once again close her jaws as she aimed once again to bite down on the crook of Rhythm’s neck and right shoulderblade. Despite her initial failed attempt at an attack, she hoped badly to maintain a firm hold and inflict enough damage to force Rhythm to falter.

Meanwhile, she felt Rhythm duck around the right side of Lysis’s head and aim to bite behind her ear at the base of her skull. The area was sensitive and the bite would hold, causing a moderate wound where she’d grasped. Though her instinct was to pull away, she knew that doing so would only cause more pain than she’d receive by simply taking the injury and letting Rhythm keep hold of the flesh there. Lysis swore she felt a gentle trickling of blood run from the inflicted wound but she would continue to aim to grasp Rhythm’s own neck, trying to keep her weight shifted to all four of her paws, her head wanting to jerk lower to level with her back. Meanwhile, she’d aim to left her right paw, letting her weight settle on her other three paws, aiming to have it collide with Rhythm’s front left paw, hoping it might force her slightly off-balance.

Round 2 / 3 : Regular spar

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.