
The Silence Between



7 Years
04-19-2015, 08:14 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2015, 08:16 PM by Tealah.)

Kassander bundled the freshly dried herbs together and stowed them with the others before sitting back and eyeing the small clinic den with satisfaction. He had them scattered over the lake region and the rock garden, but the ones he'd built before he moved from the steppes had sat unused for quite some time until he'd reclaimed it, so it had taken him much of the summer to clean out, repair, and restock them, but they were finally done just in time for the weather to turn.

A frantic call at the border, seeking a healer, whipped him around. It wasn't an Ebony wolf, but a loner who called, and the howl made it clear it was an emergency. Hastily grabbing the very bundle he'd stowed in the emergency den, he turned and raced for the border without another thought. As he came into view of the border, he caught sight of a nervous-looking, emaciated elderly wolf. The wolf was clearly less than well, with his eyes gummy and his teeth rotten and decaying. A foul scent wafted into Kass' face when the wolf spoke, which he immediately did upon spotting Kassander. "You da heala man? You needa come queek, needa come now, meesta heala, it's me boys, dey's dying meesta." Every time Kassander tried to ask him to slow down, to tell him what was wrong so he could make sure to grab the correct herbs, the old man would frantically caper in place, drooling and panting as he repeated just that they were dying and he needed to hurry.

Frustrated and caught by the old man's urgency he just scooped up the herbs he had with him and followed the wolf. The old beast was surprisingly spry and speedy - it was all Kass could do to keep up as he sprinted away from Ebony. No wonder he didn't think there was time to talk Kassander thought to himself as they continued their breakneck pace further and further away from Ebony, he probably took a whole day just getting to Ebony. They finally skidded to a halt outside a den and, gibbering, the old man indicated for him to go in. Without hesitation Kassander dove into the decrepit old hole.

He was immediately confronted with a stench like that of the old man as three scrawny, mangy pups blocked his way, grinning and cackling. Behind him the old man began to laugh, a shrieking, hair raising laugh and his voice was joined by two more. A chill swept over Kassander and he backpedaled frantically, trying to extricate himself from the hole to face the growing mob. Stupid, stupid, stupid - walked into a trap like an idiot and now it was too late to do anything about it.
