
interruptions [vriska]


06-10-2013, 02:00 PM

lie lie lie

289 words. VRISKA tagged. --- notes.

As the wolf approached, he realized that it was an older female. She spoke, and he was suddenly glad that he'd snatched up the rabbit she'd been going for. "I'm glad there's none left, else you'd probably expect me to share it," he said without a trace of humor. He hadn't shared kills with his brother, who'd caught them for him. Sharing a meal with a stranger was simply out of the question. He licked the blood from his lips as he watched her, waiting to see if she had more to say.

Tyberius was sure that she'd seen his train-wreck of a hunt and was determined to pretend it never happened. The she-wolf, on the other hand, brought up the sloppiness of the kill. The happiness he had felt was now nothing more than anger but he buried the feeling. She had no way of knowing how much the kill had meant to him, and even he was having trouble understanding why it meant anything to him. Tyberius had deserted his brother in hopes of providing for himself and dying would just prove Tiresias right, that he couldn't do anything on his own.

"Or gets you, darling. Aren't you a bit old to be wandering around in the snow alone?" he said, smirking. She didn't seem that much older than himself but she was older, and he felt entitled to let her know that. Tyberius stretched, the bones in his spine popping, releasing tension. It didn't matter to him that she was a decent-looking female - love (or even lust) didn't affect him like a normal wolf - and he'd treat her the same as he'd treat anyone else. Horribly.

Finally, someone to irritate who wasn't his brother.

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