
Lysis v Rhythm



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-20-2015, 03:58 PM

Rhythm was humble, but even so her opinion of her fighting skills were less than astounding. So long had passed since she'd been in this situation, facing an opponent for real. The adrenaline was incredible, time seemed to slow and she was sure that her heart might burst from her chest and at the same time she loved the thrill it brought her. The incredible high she felt as the pair of them engaged was intoxicating. At least until she felt Lysis fangs dig deeply into her shoulder. However just as soon as the moderate bite was issued Lysis would recoil from the pain of the extra pressure to her jaw. She could feel the blood from her wound start to leave her shoulder, but the pain wasn't too distracting to interrupt her from her bite.

She would feel her jaws make contact, and though Lysis had no intention of pulling away Rhythm found herself wanting to shake as soon as her teeth found their purchase. Rhythm would attempt to thrash her head back and forth, wanting to grip down tighter to rip at the flesh and rend her opponent incapacitated for the rest of the fight. With her shoulders rolled forward the renewed bite Lysis offered would only grasp hold of the loose skin at the base of her neck by her right shoulder, the wound leaving only minor punctures.

With her ears still slicked to her skull and her hackles still raised Rhythm's defenses wouldn't falter. Her tail was extended behind her for balance, her knees were bent and her stance was widened so she would not so easily lose her balance. She'd tighten her core and flex her muscles as she watched her opponent through her narrowed gaze. Her toes were splayed and her claws would dig into the earth. With most of her weight to the front left leg Lysis attempt to uproot her was unsuccessful, however Rhythm would redistribute her weight to her other three paws. Wanting to lift her left front paw Rhythm would aim to try to stomp on Lysis front right paw. She would also try to push Lysis over, aiming to push the broad center of her chest into the center of lysis front right shoulder.  

Rhythm v Lysis for Spar round 2 of 3  

Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads