
Out of Sorts



5 Years
04-20-2015, 07:27 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The black and grey wolf had not yet realized there was someone else entering the Steppe along with them, though if she had she would have been alarmed. She wanted this to be a quiet trip, just her and the damnable little companion who refused to leave her, and so she allowed herself to let her guard down and forget to be watchful. In fact, it was only the motion from the cat - who stopped, ears twitching, and then turned her head - that alerted her to anything amiss, and following the gaze of the feline Callisto turned her head to see.

Her stomach lurched a little when she noticed who it was that approached her, and the whole of her tensed uneasily. Shit. Did it have to be him? Was this fate playing another cruel joke on her, sending him to her now, especially when she was in this condition? And what was worse was he had actually been looking for her. Their run in was not even by chance! What did I ever do? Seriously?

She had already seen him so it was not like she could simply pretend to un-see him and keep going on her way to her old den. But neither was she ready to speak to him, let alone come closer to see whatever it was that he carried in his jaws. Callisto remained frozen, her hardened stare fixed on him, and with a little unnecessary bite to her words she responded, "I don't need anything."

The cat, however, was less convinced. She turned her head to look upward at the wolf that she had taken to following, a brow raised over her calculating golden eyes, and without being asked and without offering she turned and strolled over to the male wolf that had interrupted their Stone Steppe inspection. "What is it?" she asked, her own curiosity more open minded than that of her wolf companion. Callisto might not have wanted anything to do with Maximous, but that did not mean that she had to ignore him too.