
Test Your Luck



5 Years
04-20-2015, 11:42 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Because she was paying attention, she caught the scent of someone new in the area and felt something like vague recognition stir as she tried to place it. It was no one from her pack - there was no pack scent on it at all - and yet somehow Callisto felt she had smelled it before, somewhere. Her ears perked as she heard the stranger nearing, and her own steps slowed nearly to a stop. They were close now, but the Thicket was so thick it was nearly impossible to see--

She flinched just before they could collide, and was relieved when they did not. Hastily she backed away, feeling too close, much too close, to the wolf, for any day let alone a day like this. Even up close his scent was familiar, striking some chord in her memory, and when he recovered from nearly walking into her to grin at her with a smile that brightened the whole of his face she finally felt it all click. He was not a stranger, but an old member of Ebony, gone for quite a bit of time since the healer had last known him to live there with his rather large family. Why did she keep running into wolves that she already knew?

He greeted her by name - apparently she must have left an impression on him - and looked genuinely pleased to see her though she could think of no reason for him to be. Aside from Max, Callisto could not recall anyone who was ever genuinely happy to see her, for any reason. She was such a recluse and made such horrible first impressions that it made sense to her why others would keep their distance, just as she preferred. To find someone - who was not Max - who smiled so happily at the sight of her... It was kind of weird.

In opposition with his smiles, her own expression was more closed off, her brows pinched into a little frown and her silver-blue gaze a bit uneasy, though her eyes narrowed quizzically as she continued to stare at him. " used to live in Ebony." It was no answer to his question, but an attempt at putting all the pieces together. "I got sugarcane for you." Maybe if she brought him in on the puzzle he could help her figure out the mystery of his name .