
Come together fall apart



3 Years
04-21-2015, 05:14 AM
Her colouration may have been a large hint to her Armada heritage though there was little other association that Talvi had with the family these days. Many of the Armada's had no idea of her parentage, her half siblings, children of Argent and Isardis, were her only well-known association to the Armada's. She was a rather finicky girl when it came to family anyway, blood didn't matter so much, that alone didn't make you family. Unfortunately for Kyarst though, it was unlikely, given the big secret, that Talvi was ever likely to officially call him her uncle. She still didn't intend upon revealing the big secret that Taurig had another bunch of children running around, perhaps now it was simply for the ease of continuing to be so picky with her family.

He had been away, it explained why she hadn't seen much of him for a long time. Though she had a name for the face now, Talvi still couldn't recall when they had last seen each other, Lysis likewise though she could recall the girl. She was amongst the first that had really attempted to build any sort of relationship with Talvi, she had been friendly although confused as to why there was only one parental figure in the younger girl's life. She hadn't realised that Lysis had been sickly though, was that the reason any hopes of a real friendship had diminished?

"I do remember Lysis." She confirmed for him. "Is she well too?" Curiosity led her to inquire as much as hoping that Lysis had overcome any of those childhood illnesses that had plagued her. Talvi was certain she would have done, though it was polite to find out how she was doing now too. Perhaps she would have to pay a visit to Imperium after all.

"I had originally stayed in our childhood pack; Glaciem, Bevroren, Regium, it went through several different names with each new alpha. The pack disbanded back in the Spring though after Roman's death. Drashiel and his children came to Imperium though I believe." How were they all doing? The loss of Roman had of course hit them the hardest. "I've not yet settled anywhere else. I've never had such wide open opportunities before, it's quite a refreshing change of pace I suppose. I'm sure I'll find somewhere to call home eventually but for now the experience is one I feel I need to live. I'm sure you understand, you went far further than I have."