
Now it's more frightening



2 Years
04-21-2015, 11:47 AM
It was perhaps less the care in her actions but by sheer luck that Aláwo was succeeding in her climb at all. Her dainty size perhaps helped a little bit, occasionally a step would let the ground crumble beneath her and swiftly she'd clamber out of the way in hopes of continuing this horrid climb. There was the odd occasion when nearly losing her footing that she was tempted to take it as a sign that she ought to just turn around and head back across the Bifröst but some stupid part of her continued. A very stupid part it seemed as her pathway suddenly wasn't quite so clear anymore.

Ahead of her was still free from other wolves though now to her side there was another wolf. He was large though even had he been tiny Aláwo still had a reason to fear him. That alien tongue was calling through the air once more, he was a Northerner and yet another foolish one it seemed with their sights set on the Southern continent. Why did they insist upon invading those lands and their lives? Of course technically she was now guilty of the former crime, though had she still had family or even simply the tribe around her then she wouldn't have needed to take such drastic measures.

He didn't appear to be a threat, a smile upon his features but he was closer than she would have liked not to mention actually trying to interact with her. The poor girl was not too happy at all. "Fi mi silẹ." She doubted he would understand though hopefully her efforts to move further away from him would be enough of a sign that she wished to have nothing to do with him.