
Snack Time, Brats (pup hunt)



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (35)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
04-21-2015, 12:16 PM

He had begged her, begged his momma to let him come to the hunt. He wanted to show off how big he was getting! He had to show how much of a leader he could be! She said no, but he wouldn't let that stop him. He asked again and again, trying to reason with her. Finally, he tried being polite and, somehow, it changed her mind. Ashmedai was thrilled! He was going on a hunt! His mother set a hard pace for him to follow- for him to prove his worth in being able to go to the hunt.

They came to the group and Ash was suddenly overwhelmed by the number of wolves there were. He was excited, but there were a lot, at least to him. His momma licked him and called out to have fun. For a second, he looked tennatively over his shoulder at her retreating form. He took a step back, wondering if he should follow her, but when he looked over his shoulder again, she was gone. Ashmedai looked back over the group. They all looked really different from himself and his momma. He licked his lips nervously and eyed the purple momma. Was she a momma? What was the word for a wolf like his momma that wasn't his momma? He shot her a toothy smile and walked over a bit, fluffing his chest out, "I'm Azm'dai Imper'als!" he called confidently, his name pronunciation being a little off, but not so much that it mattered. His name was a bit long and complex, after all, and something he would have to grow into, "You can call me Az, though. I think it's okay, and it's easier!"
